
So in this section is just some things that I have bought/acquired that have been helping me with the pregnancy so far (I wasn't sure what to call it). I'm pretty sure this list will get added to throughout the next 5 months but for now, here it is!

You can click all the photo's to make them bigger.

Baby Journal

This was bought by Lee from Paperchase. It was around £6 in the sale I think but they had new ones for £12.50ish as well. They're really useful and come with loads of cute designed paper and a few plastic holders (and paper ones). I use it to write important numbers, lists, my birth plan, my weekly journal and appointments in. It's also used to keep useful leaflets and vouchers in :) Here's one of the lists, although it's reallly not finished...

The Bible

We bought this book from Waterstones for £12.99 and it is AMAZING. It has everything in it you could ever want to know and it shows you in pictures, bullet points and lists so it's really easy to understand and find the information you want easily. I love it because it's helped me know what I need to plan for when writing lists and also let's me read about all the different choices I have when it comes to birth etc...

Heaven In A Bottle

Bio-Oil! YAY! This stuff is amazing. It's around £15 in Boots but Lee bought this one from Amazon and it was around £6 cheaper. I've been using it to help prevent stretch marks but I've also been using it on the one's I already have. They've already become less noticeable in only like 3 weeks even though it says to use for 6 months. The oil I have left when I've used it on my tum, I use on my face because it's an amazing moisturizer as well. I <3 It