Thursday, 4 August 2011

Rainy Day

Woke up quite cosy and tired this morning but I had to get up and get a lift to Lee's off my mum (because I'm too skint for the bus). As far as symptoms go, I'm just feeling generally lazy and sleepy as if I feel it's constantly nap time... Not sure what we'll be doing today other than relaxing because the weather isn't really up for it.

My dwarf hamster escaped from his exercise ball yesterday and I had to chase him around behind the TV for about an hour. They're so fast and I was getting really annoyed and flustered. This is when I guess it's bad to have a bad pregnancy temper and a short patience span. Eventually, I just calmed down and thought strategically about things. I'm very over protective of my hamsters, but I managed to catch the runaway. It's strange really, I'm this protective over rodents, so God know's what I'll be like when it comes to my child!

Here's a photo of my rodent babies, since I can't upload one of my actual child for another 5 months! Haha..

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